I combine acupuncture and nutrition to help support all aspects of women’s health. I specialise in fertility, pregnancy and hormonal health, including the menopause and menstrual issues. Plus, I see women of all ages with bladder issues, back and neck pain as well as fatigue and digestive problems.
During your first visit we will discuss your health history in detail and identify areas where you most need help. I will look through any test results you have brought along with you. If needed, we might discuss further tests plus how to order them.
We will begin to discuss your diet and how it maybe affecting your health. I always include acupuncture in your first session. Once we have talked through your issue I will support you with some acupuncture. If you haven’t had acupuncture before this gives you a chance to experience how relaxing it is.
I always start a session by checking your pulse and tongue. This is one of the ways in which acupuncturists gather more information about your state of health. We feel for the strength, regularity and shape of the pulse as well as the colour, shape and coating on the tongue.
Different areas of the tongue can be useful indicators of how you may be sleeping, how stressed you are and whether the food you are eating is good for you. Following your session I will look through all the collected information. And prepare a treatment plan, diet and supplement programme which I will email to you.
We will then go through your treatment programme together at your follow-up appointment.
I will decide if you need to order any additional tests. Either through your GP or via a private lab. Tests like the DUTCH Test, food intolerance panels or a stool tests or thorough thyroid or adrenal testing.Unless you have chosen to only have a nutritional session, you will always receive acupuncture during every follow-up